Reclaiming Yourself: A Journey of Self-Care as a Mom

Article published at: Jan 28, 2025
Reclaiming Yourself: A Journey of Self-Care as a Mom
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Self-care is important for everyone, but especially so for moms. Self-care can help you emotionally, mentally, and physically in so many ways. I found that prioritizing self-care helped me with my confidence, self-esteem, and made me a better person at work, at home, and a better mother.

I had my two sons about 15 months apart and it really took a toll on me. My confidence and self-esteem was at an all-time low, and I no longer felt like the person I was before having kids. 

Starting my jewelry business, Twenty-Eight Minna, was not just a business decision—it was the first decision I made to get back to myself. There came a point during the chaos of motherhood and all that was happening around me that I realized I was running on empty. I was constantly tired, struggling to get things done, and feeling as if there was an endless list of things that always needed my immediate attention. And when I realized I no longer knew what I loved or wanted for myself, I finally decided to put myself first; that was the day I knew I needed to reclaim my own identity as Aminna. 

Starting Twenty-Eight Minna gave me the chance to reconnect with my creative side and express myself in the many ways I lost touch with when I became a mom. Twenty-Eight Minna, so named to immortalize when I reclaimed my identity, allows me to reach and help other mothers realize they must prioritize themselves in order to be able to give all of themselves to their children. 

Here are the ways I learned to practice self-love and prioritize myself - and how you can do the same!

1. Creative Expression Through Fashion and Accessories

When we become moms, it is easy to feel like we lose parts of who we were. I believe maintaining our identities is a simple and easy gift we can give ourselves—and to our children. Fashion is one of the best, yet most overlooked, ways of practicing self-care. Sources have shown your appearance can greatly impact your mental health. 

Taking opportunities to get dressed up can really help your mood. Whether it is choosing jewelry or outfits that speak to my personality, fashion has become my main way to reclaim my pre-mom identity. Being able to express myself through what I wear reminds me that I am more than a mom - I am still me, with my own unique style, personality, and story.

I think this commitment to maintain our self-identity is something our children will copy as they grow and pursue their own lives.

2. Working Out

Exercise has always been my favorite form of therapy because it offers me a chance to clear my mind and reconnect with myself. I found working out to be an important way to show myself care by prioritizing my own health and well-being, even if it is for only an hour. And many sources show working out can boost your mood, give you energy (believe or not), and improve your mental health!

What I like most is I get the chance to listen to my favorite music, check-in with myself, and recharge my mental battery. My workout time, even if it is short, is extremely important — it is my guaranteed hour to myself and time apart from my roles of a mother, wife, and business owner.

You will truly walk away from each workout with renewed energy and a reminder that taking care of ourself is essential to taking care of those you love.

3. Leaving Mom Guilt Behind

Balancing my business with time away from my children is one of the most challenging aspects of being both a mom and an entrepreneur. And like many mothers, mom guilt often keeps me from taking time for myself. During these moments, I find it helpful to remind myself of why I started Twenty-Eight Minna in the first place - to do something that fulfills me and provides me with personal purpose and joy. 

When I start to feel guilty that I am not spending time with my family, I think of the example I am setting for my children and the message I am sending to other moms. 

It is perfectly okay to have dreams, to pursue passions, and to have a life that is meaningful on a personal level. This may be a difficult lesson to learn (it is one I continue to work on every day), but it is one that can keep us going when we start to feel bad about taking time for ourselves.

4. Filling My Cup First

One of the most powerful lessons I learned is that self-care is not selfish, but is very much a necessity. As moms, we often feel as if we need to consistently be giving, but we cannot give our all if our cups are empty. 

I learned that taking care of myself is essential if I want to fully be there for the people who matter most - like my children and my husband.

Whether it is a quiet moment in the morning, listening to a favorite song on the drive to work, spending a couple of hours out with friends, taking a much needed nap, or just time to breathe; filling our own cup allows you to show up for my family with more patience, love, and energy. Personally, I noticed prioritizing my melf-care makes me a better mom, a better wife, and a better version of myself.

5. Practicing Memento Vivere

The Latin phrase - memento vivere - has always resonated with me, but even more so since I became a mom. Memento Vivere means "remember to live" and it has become my mantra and a reminder to live a life that I am proud of and brings me joy. 

Taking care of ourself is about more than just feeling good in the moment; it is about living a life that fills you with happiness and satisfaction. We are here to live a life that is true to ourselves, not just to fulfill the needs of others; self-care, self-love, and self-expression are all a part of that.

Final Thoughts

These practices help to ground and center me, and to reconnect with the person I was before motherhood, while helping to embrace the person I am now. 

Self-love is not always easy, especially as a mom, but I have come to believe that nurturing myself is the most powerful way to be present for my family. And that is a message I hope resonates with you; all moms deserve to feel whole, valued, and empowered to live fully, too.



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